Lp Chey Wat Ta Kwai


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Product Description

– Super Star Feautred/Exact Piece in Samakom’s President’s Latest Book on collectible and popular/evergreen classic Pidtas

– Framed in Top Quality Goldbox Waterproofed and ready to wear/collect


Prah Pidta Lp Chey Wat Ta Kwai 

“Prah Pidta Nur Din Pasom Pong Bailan” “Pim Lang Yan”

Lp Chey was born in 1869 to a poor family in Singburi Thailand, when he was only 2 his Mom passed away and he was adopted by his Uncle. At the age of 13 Lp Chey ordained in Wat Satian Watanadit where he will spent his entire lifetime in Monkhood there after, his preceptor was none other than Lp Taeng.  Following strict teachings of Buddism Lp Chey practiced vissapana mediation  on a daily basis spending a large amount of time each day cultivating his meditative abilities. Upon seeing the dedication of Lp Chey, his Master Lp Taeng decided he was ready to learn wiccha and will spend the next few decades teaching him many ancient magical inscriptions and spells. He also took Lp Chey to go on “Tudong” which involves walking on foot to make merits all over Indochina and to visit significant sites relevant to Buddhism. This was when he met with his other Masters such as Lp Suk Wat Plakong Makamtao and Lp Rung Wat Tha Krabua. When he was older devotees and disciples pleaded for Lp Chey to take over as Abbot of the Temple.

Lp Chey’s most famous Amulet would be his Pidta which is made of baked clay mixed with burnt herbs/holy scrolls and come in 2 molds the sigle faced and double faced. Devotees of Lp Chey have reported many good experiences “Pasopgan” including avoidance of all danger and being free from harm in during accidents, as the Thai economy grew many of his devotees and wearers of his Amulets experienced great fortune “Mahalarp” in business and career. His Amulets has since become very valuable and rare with many remakes and fakes floating in the Amulet market due to high demand.

This Piece is one of many great “Prah Pidta” that is recomended by Mr Payap Kampan the current President of the Thai Samakom



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